Renaissance Rubric

Organization and Clarity
Superb organization of thoughts and purpose; main points explicitly identified, fluid, and explained with masterful detail and confidence.
Strong organization of thoughts and purpose; main points effectively identified and explained with interesting and logical detail.
Some organization of thoughts and purpose; generalized points that are fragmented and difficult to follow.
Little to no organization; scattered thoughts with no clear purpose.
Content Knowledge
Exceptional depth of knowledge demonstrated, masterfully utilizing both prior and new information to elaborate on the topic; utilizes highly effective supporting evidence.
Proficient depth of knowledge demonstrated, appropriately accessing both prior and new information to discuss the topic; utilizes logical and effective supporting evidence.
Uncomfortable command of knowledge demonstrated, with limited and/or disconnected use of prior and new information on the topic; supporting evidence is limited and/or weak.
Confused and/or disinterested grasp of knowledge with limited capability to connect prior and new information on the topic; little to no supporting evidence.

Use of Resources
Highly effective selection and use of resources, including both primary and secondary sources. Skilled application of MLA formatting.
Careful selection and use of resources, including both primary and secondary sources. Appropriate application of MLA formatting.
Narrow selection and simplistic use of resources. Sporadic and/or inconsistent application of MLA formatting.
Poor selection and misguided/limited use of resources. Little to no effort in the application of MLA formatting.
Conclusions are logical and include an elaboration to support the conclusion.
Draws conclusions that are logical and based on some  research.
States a conclusion based on limited findings.  Lacks elaboration.
Ambiguous or illogical conclusions drawn from information.
Or, no conclusions included

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